ARTH 205: History of Contemporary Art
COMM 120: Public Speaking
COMM 250: The Director’s Craft
ECON 203: Macroeconomics
INDS 103: Conflicts
INDS 3767: Environmental Leadership and Politics
MATH 049: Elementary Algebra
MATH 149: Intermediate Algebra
MGMT 110: Legal Environment of Business
PHIL 210: Ethical Systems
ANIM 240: History of Animation
ARTH 205: History of Contemporary Art
COMM 120: Public Speaking
INDS 103: Conflicts
INDS 104: Knowledges
INDS 3767: Environmental Leadership and Politics
LSCI 105: Information Theory and Practice
MATH 149: Intermediate Algebra
MATH 226: Business Statistics
MATH 249: College Algebra
MATH 251: Trigonometry with Descriptive Geometry
MGMT 100: Fundamentals of Business Enterprise
PHIL 210: Ethical Systems
PHYS 2703: Physics for Architects
POHI 331: Classic Political Theory
Please contact Ruth Lorenzana, Director of Admissions, for information on how to enroll in our Summer Super Sessions.
Session A: Instruction begins on May 12 and runs until June 20. The final exam will be on the last day of the class during that session.
Session B: Instruction begins on June 30 and runs until August 8. The final exam will be on the last day of the class during that session.